Related Projects
MED1stMR aims to establish contact to related project on a national and international level to foster synergies with them. These related initiatives will be targeted for potential scientific collaboration, cooperation and cross-fertilization of concepts.

TRAIN – DECIDE – ACT. The Horizon 2020 research project aims to improve the training for European Police officers. The influence of psychological and contextual human factors (HFs) on the behavior of decision-making and acting (DMA) of police officers under stress and in high-risk operational situations are investigated in end user centered studies. Based on the results, SHOTPROS develops a HF-rooted training curriculum and a corresponding Virtual Reality training solution to provide a comprehensive framework for practical training.
Official Website:

NO-FEAR is a 5-year (June 2018 – May 2023) Coordination and Support Action project that brings together a pan-European and beyond network of emergency medical care practitioners, suppliers, decision and policy makers to collaborate and exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons learned. Members of the network collaborate to develop a common understanding of the innovation potential that fills operational gaps and pinpoint areas for future research. This multi-disciplinary, multi-national, and multi-sectorial collaboration is supported by virtual tools, including the NO-FEAR platform and networking events (e.g., workshops, demonstrations, exercises) every 6 months.
Official Website:

INGENIOUS is a 42-month EU project (ends February 2023) which aims to assist First Responders in being more effective and saving more lives during natural and manmade disasters and crises by exploiting novel technologies. INGENIOUS is developing, integrating, testing and validating a Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response, which ensures high level of Protection and Augmented Operational Capacity to respond to the disaster scene. A total of 47 tests and exercises are being organised during the lifecycle of the project: 27 Laboratory Integration and Testing sessions (LITs) in 3 rounds, 18 Small Scale Field Tests (SSTs) in 2 rounds and 2 Full Scale Field Validation Exercises (FSXs).
Official Website:

The main objective of the TeamAware Project is to develop an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders from different sectors with heterogeneous and hardly interoperable sensor units including drone mounted, wearable, and external sensor systems. Thus, TeamAware enhances crisis management, flexibility and reaction capability of first responders from different sectors through real-time, fused, refined, and manageable information by using highly-standardised augmented reality and mobile human machine interfaces.
Official Website:

The ultimate goal of the CounteR solution is to provide law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and Internet providers and social media platforms with an Early-warning tool to be used in the detection of potential radical content for the prevention of radicalisation spread and ultimately life-threatening terrorist attacks.
The CounteR project will develop a tool for taking down quickly and accurately the terrorism content online, and, at the same time, preserve the privacy protection and data anonymization of the content.
Official Website: